

Τίτλος: Volunteering for a Better Tomorrow
Χώρες: Ελλάδα, Σερβία, Γερμανία, Νορβηγία, ΠΓΔΜ
Συμμετέχοντες: 1 αρχηγός ομάδας (ανεξαρτήτου ηλικίας) και 5 συμμετέχοντες (18-30 ετών) από κάθε χώρα

Τόπος υλοποίησης: Kragujevac, Serbia (

Πότε: 10 – 19 Ιουλίου 2016

Το πρόγραμμα καλύπτει πλήρως τη διαμονή και τη διατροφή των συμμετεχόντων, καθώς και ΕΠΙΣΤΡΕΦΕΙ 170 ευρώ από το κόστος του ταξιδίου. Οι συμμετέχοντες καλούνται να κρατήσουν και να παραδώσουν στους διοργανωτές ΟΛΑ τα πρωτότυπα εισιτήρια και τιμολόγια που αφορούν στο ταξίδι τους από την πόλη προορισμού έως τον τόπο υλοποίησης της ανταλλαγής.

Όποιος ενδιαφέρεται να συμμετέχει, μπορεί να στείλει e-mail στο με τον κωδικό 26_YE_SE_KANE για να του στείλουμε τη φόρμα συμμετοχής. Σε περίπτωση που επιθυμείτε να συμμετάσχετε ως αρχηγός ομάδας, παρακαλώ όπως το αναφέρετε στο e-mail, και να μας στείλετε πληροφορίες ως προς την εμπειρία σας σε ανταλλαγές νέων και στο συντονισμό ομάδων νέων. Προθεσμία υποβολής αιτήσεων: 17/06/2016


Ακολουθούν περισσότερες πληροφορίες στα Αγγλικά


Program of the Youth Exchange

“Volunteering for better tomorrow!”

10 – 19. July, 2016.

Kragujevac, Serbia 2016.

General information about the project:

30 participants, 5 participants plus 1 group leader per group, 5 partner countries:

· Germany

· Serbia


· Greece

· Norway

The participants will learn:

– How does the volunteering affect their personal life and the life of their local community

– What tools and methods of volunteering to use in order to ensure the quality and sustainable voluntary service within organization

– How to make their voluntary activities attractable for local (and international) youth

– What steps are to be taken to provide satisfactory conditions for volunteers

– How to create a network of volunteering on local, regional, national and international level

– Artistic approach to promote volunteering spirit

The goal of the project is:

That participants learn of values and opportunities with volunteering – why and how is important to be an active member of the community. Also, participants will learn within their organization how to create a condition and services of volunteering that will ensure the quality lifestyles in their local communities. By exchanging the opinions, knowledge and experience, participants will create a strong network of support for each other but also on a local level for their own activities.

Project has intentions to include young people who want to contribute with their knowledge, experience, ideas and enthusiasm to promotion and strengthening the image, possibilities and importance of volunteering

Logistics of the project:

All costs during the youth exchange such as accommodation, food, local transport are covered by the project. You only need to bring your pocket money with you. Participants will be hosted in the city area, hostel or similar housing object. Travel is reimbursed up to the amount mentioned below.

Transport from Belgrade to Kragujevac:

For those who arrive in Belgrade, there are frequent bus line that go from Belgrade to Kragujevac with different bus companies. You can easily get informed at the bus station. The ticket price in one direction shouldn’t be above 6 or 7 euros, the return ticket is around 9 to 10 euros. For the partners who come from Greece and FYROM, you could catch a passing bus that goes from your countries and passes through Kragujevac. Please check that option. NOTE: Don’t use the train to get to Kragujevac because there is no direct line, the train stopes in village kilometers away from Kragujevac with very poor daily bus lines.

Program: Volunteering for better tomorrow

10. 07. 2016. (Sunday)

Arrival of the participants


Welcoming event/ party

Casual evening of welcome with dinner

11. 07. 2016. (Monday)

(09:00) Breakfast

(10:00h) Assembly of the participants

* Getting to know each other through games and role plays

* Learning about what is coming in the next days, presentation of the program and what is expected of the youth exchange, talking about how we will work as a team, giving suggestions and having a discussion of how to realize it

(13:00h) Lunch

(16:00h) City Rally Tour

Sightseeing with history of the city – meet Kragujevac, the first Serbian capital

Return home and assembly with impressions of the day

(19:00h) Dinner

Group evening program

12. 07. 2016. (Tuesday)

(09:00h) Breakfast

(10:00h) Assembly of the team with energizing games

Workshop “Volunteering in my local community”

Participant split into 6 small groups and each participant has three photo related to his/hers volunteering – they present it to each other as well as their organizations and work;

(11:00h) Workshop “What is volunteering in my country?” Participants now go into 5 new groups so that each group has at least one participant from each country. They continue with the small round table discussions followed by the questions:

– Who usually volunteers in my country (young people, older people, well-educated etc.)?

– How does my organization support my volunteering?

– How and in what areas and organizations?

– How big is the need in my country for volunteers?

– How do volunteers get support by government, NGOs and local community?

– Is my society appreciating voluntary work?

– History of voluntary work in my society/country?

(13:30h) Lunch and break

(16:00h) Visit to the Memorial park Šumarice, the monument dedicated to the victims of the Second World War and the biggest memorial park in Europe

(19:00h) Dinner with feedback of the day (questions, wishes, critics etc.)

Cultural evening

13. 07. 2016. (Wednesday)

(09:00h) Breakfast with assembly

(10:00h) * Visiting the youth centers and organizations of Kragujevac: participants are split into three groups and each group visits two youth centers or associations related to or promoting volunteering – getting to know the organizations and their experiences with volunteering; exchange of examples of good practices

(13:30h) Lunch

(16:00h) * Preparation for the upcoming days – talking about the making of video clip/ postcards/ pamphlet/ round table about volunteering. How will we do it, what is required and forming the groups

(Leisure activities)

(19:00h) Dinner

Cultural evening

14. 07. 2016. (Thursday)

(09:00h) Breakfast

(10:00h) Assembly of the participants

Workshops on the following topics (participants split into 4 groups based on a topic they have chosen prior to coming to youth exchange; group leader do as well, they moderate and lead the discussion but are at the same time working part of it):

*How to organize the structure of our organization and make it sustainable so volunteers feel welcome and are able to become active – what is necessary for organization to have a strong voluntary service

*Supporting the volunteers – coaching, trainings, creating a pleasant environment for volunteers, providing fun and leisure activities

*Benefits of volunteering – ways to honor your volunteers

*How to find volunteers for local activities – mechanisms and tools that we are using to attract people to join volunteering

(13:30h) Lunch

(14:30h) Presentation of the work – each group creates a poster where they present the results of the morning workshops; feedback and discussion

(16:00h) Going to the open swimming pool in the city

(19:00h)Dinner in the city

(21:00h) Mid-term evaluation/ Feedback (questions, wishes, critics etc.)

Cultural evening

15. 07. 2016. (Friday)

(09:00h) Breakfast with assembly of participants

(10:00h) Excursion by bus to the country side with historical and natural visits; hiking the volcanic hill, learning about village life, sightseeing of the regional lake

Lunch in the village – traditional village food

(18:00h) Returning home with free time

(19:00h) Dinner and daily feedback (questions, wishes, critics etc.)

Evening on the open/ Free evening

16. 07. 2016. (Saturday)

(09:00h) Breakfast

(10:00h) Assembly of the participants

Getting started! Workshop on making the video clip/ postcard/ pamphlet / round table about volunteering

Checking the progress of the work

(13:00h) Lunch

Continuation of the work with feedback at the end of workshop

(16:00h) Free time to explore the city

(19:00) Dinner

Cultural evening

Saturday Night Fever – exploring the night life of Kragujevac

17. 07. 2016. (Sunday)


(10:00h) Assembly of the participants

Getting started! Workshop on making the video clip/ postcard/ pamphlet / round table about volunteering

Checking the progress of the work

(13:00h) Lunch

Continuation of the work with feedback/ Finishing the work

(16:00h) Going out to the Lake of Kragujevac

(19:00h) Dinner

Cultural evening

18. 07. 2016. (Monday) – ROUND TABLE

(08:00h) Breakfast and assembly of the participants

(09:00h) Preparation for the round table and getting things ready for it

(11:00h) Round table about volunteering

(13:00h) Lunch and going back home

Final discussion among participants of the exchange about the future plans and possible cooperation (exchanges, projects, international work, EVS etc.) – where do we go from here and what is our vision after this project

(19:00h) Dinner

Farewell party

19. 07. 2016. (Tuesday)

Departure day

Saying farewell and making sure everybody are getting a good transport to the airport/ train station etc.

One more day in Belgrade – it is an option for participants to spend one day in Belgrade after the youth exchange is finished in Kragujevac, those who would like to see and explore the capital of Serbia; costs for spending the night will be covered by the project, food and other needs are

Additional information regarding the youth exchange:

Language of the youth exchange

The spoken language of the youth exchange is English and during the working time and group discussions, English will be used frequently. During the formation of the group, make sure that everybody knows English to at least good extent, as stated in project application.

Age and gender of the groups

As stated in the project application, we will ensure the gender balance. In order to make so, we will ask you to make your group mixed with genders so we have approximately the same number of male and female participants. NOTE: Groups can be diverse, one can have more one gender than the other so you don’t have to be precise, what is important to include at least one or two participants of the opposite gender.

Age of the participants is between 18 and 30 with preference that participant be not older than 26 if possible. Group leader’s age is not included in this category, they can be above 30 years old.

Role of the group leader

Group leaders will be active members of the work groups. Prior to arrival on youth exchange, group leader creates the group ensuring the age and gender balance stated above and in the project application. Group leader makes sure that the group members are active in volunteering, already have participated in local activities and are willing to work on this topic. For the workshop on the 14. 06. group leaders choose one topic that they would like to lead and moderate with other participants. Because participants also choose topics of their own interest and desires, group leaders make sure that each participant of their delegation has chosen on topic and is prepared for it. Leading the workshop would require some preparation for it, so we would ask the group leader to prepare some inputs to start in discussion, some questions or facts about the topic to back up the work. Group leader are also the working part of the group as others so they are welcome to contribute with their own ideas, thoughts, experiences and examples. Group leaders also makes sure that all the tasks from the timeline below are fulfilled by the mentioned dates, they are responsible for communication between partners are participants.

Multimedia material of the project:

For the last two days of the project, we will be creating a multimedia material that will not only be reflecting on our work during the project but also will serve as the future material for promotion of volunteering and organizations. We will be splitting in four groups:

– Group for postcards – create the design for the postcards, think about the message of volunteering,

– Group for pamphlet – making sure that the design of the pamphlet is eye catching and information regarding volunteering inside are of very use to young people

– Group for video clip – work on the camera and visual approach how to make volunteering interactive and attractive but also informative

– Group for round table about volunteering – group that prepares the round table discussion for 18. 06. Group makes the material to present it publicly and ensures it reaches the audience; this will be done with the support of the local volunteers

You can choose the working group based on your interests. If you have one particular experience with these materials than you can be a part of it to make the work more comfortable for the others as well – for example, if you know how to handle camera, you could be in a working group for the video or if you draw or design, your group could be postcards or pamphlets.

All the material will contain the logos from the partner organization for further distribution.

Cultural evenings

During the youth exchange, every country will have the opportunity to present themselves. Each country will have at least one hour and a half up to two hours in one evening when they organize a program for the rest of the participants where they are presenting their country, customs and lifestyle but also the organization from which they come. In the presentation it would be desirable to include folklore dances and other games characteristic for a country that has presentation. Sweets and drinks usual for your country are also very much welcome and interesting for other participants. If possible, during the presenting time participants can perform on a little show typical of their country of origin. If participants have their own ideas, they are very welcome.

Overview of the tasks

Please take in notion the tasks we have mentioned above as they are of importance to the diversity and continuity of the project. Here is the overview of the tasks:

– Cultural evenings: every delegation will have one evening to present their country

– Leadership of the groups: leaders of the groups will have a more prominent role in the youth exchange and working groups

– Preparing yourselves about the topic of your group: when you decide which topic you would like to be part of, prepare the material and all necessary to be well suited for the workshop

Traveling information

EU-Support of traveling costs per person

Coming from:

Norway: 270,00 € per person

Germany: 170,00 € per person

Greece: 170,00 € per person

FYROM: 80,00 € per person

If your ticket price is above the mentioned traveling cost, than the delegation has to pay the rest of the price. This is the reason why you should try to book the tickets as early as possible.

Project on a local level

The aim of the project is to raise the awareness of volunteering in local communities as well as to support both organizations who provide it and young people who take part in it. With this being said, all partner organizations will meet to work on what are the best methods of providing volunteering services that are satisfactory for every participating party – organization itself, volunteers and local community. With gained new perspectives and skills partner organizations will directly benefit from them in their further work.

During the project duration, participants will actively work on creation of the ideas for multimedia material that has a goal to promote the volunteering and send strong message of support to the civil sector who gains benefits from volunteering, directly or indirectly. The material that will come out of this project will frequently be used by partner organizations in order to promote the volunteering and non-formal education. Partners can give out postcards and pamphlets to other associations in their surrounding or others on regional, national and international level. Short video about volunteering will be available to everyone through website or other media. How will material from project be handled is all up to partners. This way project has ensured the sustainability.

All partners agree on organizing at least one voluntary activity in their organization to promote volunteering and project as well as one round table to make the results of the project visible. This will make project result in young people getting informed about the possibilities of volunteering, how to get engaged, what are the benefits, could volunteering improve one’s life both personal and professional and finally how does volunteering make the life in community better.

Among mentioned things, project creates a strong network of international partners who will also benefit from each other through communication, further exchange of practice, knowledge and contacts, provide guidelines for international cooperation.

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