

Η Κοινωνική Ανάπτυξη Νέων είναι σε θέση να προσφέρει την ευκαιρία σε ένα άτομο 18 -30 ετών να συμμετάσχει σε ΉΔΗ ΕΓΚΕΚΡΙΜΕΝΟ πρόγραμμα Ευρωπαϊκής Εθελοντικής Υπηρεσίας στην πόλη Bologna της Ιταλίας



Τίτλος: Volunteering4Empowerment

Διάρκεια:12 μήνες

Ημερομηνίες προγράμματος: 01/09/2016 – 01/09/2017

Τόπος φιλοξενίας: Bologna, Ιταλία (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bologna)

Οργανισμός Υποδοχής: Centro Montanari (https://www.facebook.com/CentroMontanariBologna/?fref=ts)

Γλώσσες εργασίας: Αγγλικά, Ιταλικά (επιθυμητή η βασική γνώση της Ιταλικής γλώσσας)

Θέμα: Εθελοντισμός / Πολιτισμός / Διαγενεακή συνεργασία

Το πρόγραμμα καλύπτει πλήρως (100%) τα έξοδα διαμονής και διατροφής, συντονισμού, εσωτερικών μετακινήσεων, δραστηριοτήτων κτλ καθώς και 275 ευρώ από τα εξόδα του ταξιδίου από την Ελλάδα στην Ιταλία με επιστροφή. Επιπλέον, οι εθελοντές καλύπτονται με πλήρη ιδιωτική ασφάλιση, καθώς εντάσσονται στο πρόγραμμα ομαδικής ασφάλισης ατόμων που συμμετέχουν στο πρόγραμμα Ευρωπαϊκής Εθελοντικής Υπηρεσίας.

Εάν ενδιαφέρεστε να συμμετέχετε, στείλτε μας ένα βιογραφικό στα Αγγλικά (κατά προτίμηση σε μορφή EUROPASS) καθώς και μία συνοδευτική επιστολή επίσης στα Αγγλικά, στο οποίο θα αναφέρετε λίγα λόγια για εσάς και τους λόγους για τους οποίους επιθυμείτε να συμμετάσχετε στο πρόγραμμα με e-mail στο fotini@ngokane.org. Στο θέμα του e-mail θα πρέπει να αναγράφεται ο κωδικός 22-evs-it-kane.

Ακολουθούν περισσότερες πληροφορίες για το πρόγραμμα στα ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ

Contest and environment

The EVS volunteers will be hosted in Bologna (about 400.000 inhabitants), capital of the Emilia-Romagna region. Bologna is famous for its university dimension and it hosts the oldest European university that with its 90.000 students contributes to make the city a lively cultural and intercultural forge. Bologna is very open to youths and it offers a lot in term of personal growth and cultural activities.

The volunteers will be actively embedded in this multiethnic and stimulating environment by exploiting the activities and the network of contacts of Centro Sociale Montanari. This will enable them to approach this context and act as protagonists thus making the most of the unique opportunity of the EVS. This close contact with the local community and the active participation in volunteering, informative and formative activities carried out by the center will widely enhance the growing possibility for the volunteers.

The Montanari Centre is following these aims:

– To promote and stimulate intergenerational integration, to prove the usefulness of mutual exchanges between generations by

involving individuals of different ages in their initiatives and activities;

– To run, by means of its activities, a true cultural, entertainment, research and educational output from which the entire local community will benefit (schools, associations, individual citizens)

– To offer new models of old age, by sharing a new culture of old age, understood as a positive age, a period that is resourceful and full of opportunities;

– To maintain elderly people’s sensorial, linguistic, creative, intellectual and DIY skills through adapted activities and initiatives;

– To support the local community in promoting and valuing the knowledge, the values and practical abilities of elderly people, in an open-minded and inclusive logic with local communities;

– To promote an idea of active ageing, emphasizing the importance of contact between people of different age and culture;

– To promote intercultural and intergenerational solidarity in order to fight social isolation and allienation and to build an active, responsible kind of citizenship made through dedicating one’s own time to the others and to the community;

– To create educational paths with a view to catching elderly people’s (and not only) interest in cultural, entertainment, socializing and exchange activities;

– To value intergenerational relations, by creating moments and initiatives in order to rebuild social ties and maintain- as far as possible- the ties with one’s land, by emphasizing individual resources and those of the community.

Activities are connected with this aims, according with the preferences and need of the volunteer.

The perfect candidate is a pro-active person, with strong spirit of adaptation and motivated to try and develop new experiences. At least a basic knowledge of Italian language is recommended.

Volunteer needs to bring his/her own laptop.


Volunteer will share a double room (separate beds) in a flat with fully furnished, kitchen, bathroom(s).


From Monday to Friday the lunch will be served at the Social Center. Volunteer will receive 100€ as food money, to cover all the other meals.

Local Transport

Volunteer will have available a monthly or annual bus ticket for the city of Bologna. If needed, volunteers can also have a bike, as an alternative to the bus ticket.

Pocket money   115€ per month (in cash)

Contest and environment

The EVS volunteers will be hosted in Bologna (about 400.000 inhabitants), capital of the Emilia-Romagna region. Bologna is famous for its university dimension and it hosts the oldest European university that with its 90.000 students contributes to make the city a lively cultural and intercultural forge. Bologna is very open to youths and it offers a lot in term of personal growth and cultural activities.

The volunteers will be actively embedded in this multiethnic and stimulating environment by exploiting the activities and the network of contacts of Centro Sociale Montanari. This will enable them to approach this context and act as protagonists thus making the most of the unique opportunity of the EVS. This close contact with the local community and the active participation in volunteering, informative and formative activities carried out by the center will widely enhance the growing possibility for the volunteers.

The Montanari Centre is following these aims:

– To promote and stimulate intergenerational integration, to prove the usefulness of mutual exchanges between generations by

involving individuals of different ages in their initiatives and activities;

– To run, by means of its activities, a true cultural, entertainment, research and educational output from which the entire local community will benefit (schools, associations, individual citizens)

– To offer new models of old age, by sharing a new culture of old age, understood as a positive age, a period that is resourceful and full of opportunities;

– To maintain elderly people’s sensorial, linguistic, creative, intellectual and DIY skills through adapted activities and initiatives;

– To support the local community in promoting and valuing the knowledge, the values and practical abilities of elderly people, in an open-minded and inclusive logic with local communities;

– To promote an idea of active ageing, emphasizing the importance of contact between people of different age and culture;

– To promote intercultural and intergenerational solidarity in order to fight social isolation and allienation and to build an active, responsible kind of citizenship made through dedicating one’s own time to the others and to the community;

– To create educational paths with a view to catching elderly people’s (and not only) interest in cultural, entertainment, socializing and exchange activities;

– To value intergenerational relations, by creating moments and initiatives in order to rebuild social ties and maintain- as far as possible- the ties with one’s land, by emphasizing individual resources and those of the community.

Activities are connected with this aims, according with the preferences and need of the volunteer.

The perfect candidate is a pro-active person, with strong spirit of adaptation and motivated to try and develop new experiences. At least a basic knowledge of Italian language is recommended.

Volunteer needs to bring his/her own laptop.


Volunteer will share a double room (separate beds) in a flat with fully furnished, kitchen, bathroom(s).


From Monday to Friday the lunch will be served at the Social Center. Volunteer will receive 100€ as food money, to cover all the other meals.

Local Transport

Volunteer will have available a monthly or annual bus ticket for the city of Bologna. If needed, volunteers can also have a bike, as an alternative to the bus ticket.

Pocket money   115€ per month (in cash)

Το πρόγραμμα χρηματοδοτείται με την υποστήριξη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Η παρούσα δημοσίευση δεσμεύει μόνο τον συντάκτη της και η Ε.Ε. δεν ευθύνεται για τυχόν χρήση των πληροφοριών που περιέχονται σε αυτήν.

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