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Be a volunteer in Kalamata!
Impressions from Alexandra and Mihaela

If you ever wonder how is like to be a volunteer in Kalamata, Greece, then take your time and read our feedback from the last 2 weeks spent as European Volunteers.
We arrived here with the support received from the Dominou Association (Craiova, Romania), which in collaboration with K.A.N.E. Social Youth Development Organisation implemented the project named Citizen time: act, play, involve!. The main idea of the project relates with migrants issues, so our mission is to create awareness campaigns or studies related with immigrants. We are spending most of our time at the Youth Center of Kalamata, the place where the locals
have the benefit of choosing different activities they want to participate in: salsa or tai chi classes, yoga or Greek/French/Spanish lessons, sign language or oil tasting, etc. There we have the opportunity to interact with the locals, but also with the foreigners who chose to spend their holiday in the city and, during this time, we are also trying to organize activities for the Roma kids, in order to integrate them in the community. We are staying in two separate houses, with the rest of the volunteers from different countries like France, Poland, Armenia, Portugal, etc. This multicultural environment improves our social skills, not to mention how much fun we have. Of course, when you are volunteering abroad you have the great benefit of exploring the area you’re in. And for this, Kalamata and the Peloponnese peninsula have plenty of options you could choose from: waterfalls, mountains, the sea, beaches. The good weather, the tasty and diverse food, the Greek coffee, as well as the locals’ hospitality, are a bonus to everything. The communication here is easy, you can find everywhere people talking in English, so this easens the process of integration of the volunteers. Also, if you are an active person, if you like doing sports activities or going out during the evenings, Kalamata should be on your
bucket list. We are looking forward to see what the future will bring us and stay tuned, the cause will be back with some updates!

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