
Stories by Participants: Beware The Jabberwock (Anastasia Margouta)

Stories by Participants: Beware the Jabberwock

ESC Team Volunteering (30 Oct.- 5 Dec. 2021) Terrassa, Spain

by Anastasia Margouta


‘Beware of the Jabberwock’ was a program that offered me valuable moments and lessons.

I discovered how volunteering can change my perception of the world and how powerful the connection in a community can be. It involved creative and non-formal education activities, intergenerational dialogues and interaction, personal and guest workshops. The activities enhanced my inspiration, my creativity and I expressed myself through different art forms effectively.


In addition, the selection of a color/picture/word after the end of each day (a specific activity in the project) helped me to better understand my emotions and myself.

The intergenerational dialogue offered me insights about life and led me to realize the importance of sharing with others.

The guest workshops in the fields of theatre, dance and circus offered me new knowledge that I can apply in my work.

Moreover, after the choreography workshop that I took over, I realized that the participants’ involvement can give me inspiration during the creation process and that I only have to trust the people and the journey.

One volunteering experience is far more than a memory; it is a lesson, a feeling and the end of a new beginning!

 – Anastasia Margouta

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