Stories by Participants: Together for SDGs
Youth Exchange (1-14/07/2022) Oeiras, Portugal
By: Artemis Salpingidou
In July, between July 1-14, I took part in a youth exchange entitled “Together for Sustainability Development Goals” in Oeiras, a suburb of Lisbon in Portugal. During the program I had the chance to work with people from 6 different countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia and Greece) with whom we discussed issues related to ecology and sustainability. The main topic of our discussions was how we can both individually and as countries limit ecological destruction, switch to renewable energy sources and integrate sustainability into our daily lives.
I finally fell in love with Portugal and the people there. I would go to such a program again for sure at the first opportunity to learn more things and make more friends.
– Artemis Salpingidou