
Stories by Participants from the Youth Exchange: We Can Do This! in Magdeburg, Germany (Christos Pavlos Filippou)

Stories by Participants: We Can Do This!

Youth Exchange (21-28/07/2022) Magdeburg, Germany

By: Christos Pavlos Filippou

The Erasmus+ experience that I had the opportunity to be a part of was something new for me since it was my first. When I applied for this program I would never imagine all the experiences, knowledge that i would gain and the fun that I would have. The amazing thing is that many people from different countries of the world come together, try to become the best versions of themselves through different projects and activities that remind you that whatever you do in life you can be creative. Also socializing with new people really gets you out of your comfort zone and in that way you make new friendships.

The place where we lived was an old palace outside the center of Magdeburg, a place that gives you the opportunity to appreciate nature. It was also ideal because many activities could be done outside, which really gave us the feeling of freedom.

When you realize that the program is over you feel sad because it is very difficult to replicate an experience like this, with all those people with whom you made a great team for those days. In the long run though you appreciate what you lived for such a small period of time, since experiences, fun and personal development are “compressed” in time.

Those programs are something anyone should experience, since it can give you only benefits.

-Christos Pavlos Filippou

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