
Stories by Participants in the Training Course: D’ING Designing for Learning (Alexandros Karavlidis)

Stories by Participants in the Training Course: D’ING Designing for Learning

Weimar, Germany (10-16 October 2021)


From the 10th to the 16th of October 2021 I participated in the training seminar D´ING – Designing for Learning from complexity to simplicity that took place in Germany and specifically in Weimar. Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Ukraine, Ghana and Syria participated in this training seminar.
The D´ING project focused mainly on the ability of the participants in the Learning to Learn process, how you can organize your own learning, how you can learn with and from others, methods and tools of guidance, applications of skills, etc.

All work and accommodation took place at the premises of the Stiftung Europäische Jugendbildungs- und Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar (Foundation for European Youth Education and Meeting in Weimar, EJBW). These facilities are surrounded by trees and are like living in the forest, although they are very close to the river, the park and the historic center of Weimar.

Regardless of the educational significance of the program in the positives of this experience I could not overlook my communication with the other participants and our collaborations inside and outside the program. I look forward to participating in the second part of the program that will be completed in Italy in March to continue to learn but also to meet these wonderful people again.

– Alexandros Karavlidis

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