
Stories by Participants in the Training Course: D’ING Designing for Learning (Sophia Trypa)

Stories by Participants in the Training Course: D’ING Designing for Learning

Weimar, Germany (10-16 October 2021)


“From complexity to simplicity” was the title of the D’ING – Designing for Learning program that took place from October 10-16, 2021 in Weimar, Germany. The real challenge is to make the learning process simple and easy to understand. In the few days we had at our disposal, we heard many views from participants from different European countries – and not only – on the subject. We have seen many, new and older, teaching methods applied in many schools, such as the Steiner method which makes use of experiential learning.

All this took place in the hospitable facilities of EJBW, located next to the beautiful park of Weimar and very close to its historic center, which we had the pleasure to tour. The hospitality was excellent: the spaces were comfortable and clean, respecting the protocols against covid-19, the food was impeccable and all the people were willing to cover whatever need arose.

The real luck we had, however, was the participants of the program. People open, with a point of view and willingness to share their experiences. Working with them was enjoyable and constructive.

Finally, the trainers were fully aware of the subject, and with their guidance, we were able to get the most out of it in that short amount of time.

Our work does not end here, In the second part of the program, from D’ING to D’ANG, which will take place on March 20-27, we will see how the program affected our daily lives and our work with young people. In the next five months, online meetings with trainers and participants are scheduled to provide feedback on our work. I look forward to our new meeting!

 – Sophia Trypa

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