
Training Course Experience: 3O Orientation, Optimization and Organization or Social media networks as tools in youth work(By Anastasia Mousenika)

Training Course Experience:

3O: Orientation, Optimization and Organization or Social media networks as tools in youth work

Poland, 1-10 August 2021

(By Anastasia Mousenika)


Participating in the Training Course: 3O program (Orientation, Optimization and Organization or Social Media Networks as Tools in Youth Work) which took place in Rzeszow, Poland on 1-10 August 2021, I got many useful experiences that will undoubtedly be helpful in many fields of my life. With a focus on social media, all participants in the program were given the opportunity to be informed and exchange views on an issue that has a direct impact on our daily lives. It was therefore important for me to be able to learn more about social media, exchange views and better understand how they work through a transnational way of learning. During the program, special emphasis was given to the fallacies that appear mainly on social media and through group activities we analyzed, discussed and exchanged views on the importance of social media, how they affect the messages that lurk in it. It is also worth mentioning the unique opportunity I had to socialize with people of different cultures and to learn from their experiences, their way of thinking and to understand the way of life of other peoples (through Intercultural evenings). Finally during the program we had the Possibility to visit some important sights such as the Muzeum-Zamek W Lancucie and to tour Krakow. In conclusion, it was a very interesting and creative program aimed at learning and connecting people.

By: Anastasia Mousenika

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