
Training Course Experience: 3O Orientation, Optimization and Organization or Social media networks as tools in youth work(By Angeliki Karavlidi)

Training Course Experience:

3O: Orientation, Optimization and Organization or Social media networks as tools in youth work

Poland, 1-10 August 2021

(By Angeliki Karavlidi)


I recently participated in the training project: Orientation, Optimization and Organization or Social media networks as tools in youth work (3O), which took place in Poland and specifically in Rzeszów, from 1-10 August 2021. This period was enough to gain experiences and knowledge that I will have for the rest of my life. Most of the program was related to online media and how they affect our lives. Certainly the topic of the program was the basis for us to exchange, as well as to gain interesting knowledge on the topic. We mainly dealt with the scams that lurk on social media (fallacies) and the media. Through activities we learned to identify them and identify the categories that exist. We also talked about how social networks affect our daily lives, in particular the focus of our discussion was cyberbullying, about which we discussed specific examples. The most remarkable moments of this program were the nights of culture (intercultural evenings) in which we were given the opportunity to get to know the customs, traditions and traditions of other peoples, as well as to try different flavors from each country. Part of the program was, in addition, our visit to the Museum-Zamek W Lancucie, was a very impressive palace, as well as a tour of the city of Krakow. Overall it was a very interesting program made up of great people. I feel that I have learned many things and I would definitely like to participate in some similar mobility again in the future.


By: Angeliki Karavlidi

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