
Youth Exchange, Portugal 2019

Youth Exchange, Portugal

ProAtlântico – Associação Juvenil

    * OCTOBER 2019  *

This was my first month in Portugal. So far everything has been nice and good. Life inside our apartment is comfortable and nice. Work seems easy enough. There have been some challenges but it´s a minor issue. Transportation from h9ome to work was one issue but I overcame it. I really enjoyed our walk in monsanto with the clients. It was a nice experience.


    *  NOVEMBER 2019  *

This was my second month in Portugal. The weather was a little colder but still ok. Work continued just like in October. I started to form relationships with the clients and this makes me feel really good. At some point we visited the pavilion of knowledge. I really liked the interaction we had with the clients there.

   *  DECEMBER 2019  *

This was my third month in Portugal. It was really nice watching the city getting into the Christmas mood. At some point we visited Museu dos coches. I really liked the exhibits and I believe that it was a good experience for the clients also. By this month I have started to understand Portuguese. I feel very happy that I got to learn a new language. I feel stronger now and more educated.

 * JANUARY 2020  *

The weather is getting worse now in January but still Portugal is more beautiful than ever. I visited Porto. What a beautiful city! Working with disabled people keeps getting more and more nice and easy. We went many times to the gymnasium were the clients did excercises. This was a very interesting experience and I got to learn a lot of things about people with disabilities.


ProAtlântico – Associação Juvenil

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