
“Let’s work on it! Improving the quality of EVS projects” training course in Poland

From the 10th until the 16th of March, K.A.NE. was a part of the training course “Let’s work on it! Improving the quality of EVS projects”. One participant, active in the field of youth work, has joined the training course in Warzenko, Poland, in order to gain more knowledge about how to improve the quality of European Voluntary Service projects.

Through the activities of the training course, the participants, that were coordinators and mentors have been provided with competences that will help them to support volunteers in a more professional way in their future work.

The training course has gathered together 25 participants from 14 different countries (Poland, Greece, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine) and it was organized in Poland by Centre for Youth Cooperation and Mobility.

The training course has offered the participants tools and knowledge about how to focus on relevant topics to their roles such as:

– Intercultural environment;

– motivating a volunteer;

– effective communication;

– conflict resolution;

– supporting volunteer’s learning process;

– coping with burnout;

– loss of motivation.

As our Greek participant, Wellington is the one taking part in the training course and he has an affinity for traveling, here are his impressions about the experience:

“The art of travel…

Traveling is my passion, been with my backpack and my passport is one of my favorite activity. The purpose of my traveling is often visiting friends, dance workshops, dance festivals, holidays. Sometimes I travel for courses, seminars this was the reason of my last trip, I went to Warzenko, Poland a small village 30 minutes from Gdansk for a seminar but this trip was far from the normal trips I ever had. Travel is an art, you need to make a plan, what to bring in the bag, what time to leave home to arrive in the airport, documents needed, money, cards, tickets and lucky.
I forgot to take my luck with me in the last trip, I forgot it at home, I think.
After traveling from Kalamata to Athens at night,  in the morning I had a flight from Athens to Gdansk, Poland with a 2 hours connection in Frankfurt, Germany. Everything looked good to be true, perfect timing!

Remember my luck? Oh, yes…I forgot it.

After many hours of traveling it’s time to find the WC, Loo, restroom, Toilets as you wish to call it…
I missed my connection flight because the company decided to leave 10 minutes earlier the
schedule and I was at the toilet. I know you are laughing out a lot now…me too now, but at that moment I even cried because I had to pay an extra fee of 250 euro – yes you read right, 250 euro – no way I could afford it so the only chance to keep going at the training course was by bus, 16 hours latter – again, you’ve read right. After 16 hours I arrived in Gdansk. Now, only 30 min by taxi and I am at the destination!

I did mention before that I like traveling, right? and that

Guess what?I forgot my lucky at home, right? Well, I have managed to get a fever during the training course, but apart from that, I enjoyed it and everything was good.

Next weekend I’m on a trip again.”


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