
“SAY:Street-Activism-Youth” youth exchange in Croatia

From the 18th until the 22nd of March, K.A.NE. has been a part of the “SAY:Street-Activism-Youth” youth exchange. The exchange took place in Karlovac, Croatia and is was hosted by KA-MATRIX. Six youngsters and one group leader from Greece were participating to the activity.

“SAY:Street-Activism-Youth” was a project aiming to bring together 21 youngsters from 3 different countries (Croatia, Greece and Poland) in order to be included in the process of revitalization of public spaces through (street) art and activism, by means of non-formal education.

Before their departure to the project, the participants have explored street art and youth activism in their countries with emphasis on issues of activism, human rights and tolerance. This way, they could exchange experience and information regarding the topic. All participants have been actively involved in the activities.

During the project, they had the chance to talk with the young people from Karlovac and find out which are the places that need revitalization and they could choose from them.

The activities of the youth exchange gave the youngsters involved the chance to meet another culture and other perspectives on the topic of street art and activism, to come up with ideas on how to revitalize specific places through artistic expression and storytelling.

Through the daily workshops and activities, they have created the content for the public event “SAY EVENT:Intervention”.

Check out the SAY fanzine booklet that the participates have made during the project.

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