
Volunteers 2013 – 2014

My project was in the Youth Centre of Kalamata. It consisted of looking ater the general day-to-day running of the Youth Centre itself, that is, looking after the Cafe, inputting information on the absences from workshops as well as new members into the computer, and co-ordinating the workshops, ie, making sure all the workshops had what they needed for the day. Included in this of course was the cleaning of the youth centre before and after te day and stocktaking and stocking the cafe.
Also, given my experience with document preparation in the pharmaceutical industry, and my desire and expressed interest in undertaking these tasks I also helped write some grant applications, the first for a Youth exchange where I also helped design the program and did some comunicative work, the second for a Creaive Europe project, and the third for a Key Action 2 project. It must be stressed that the application work I did, voluntarily, outside of my working hours because this is the line of work and the type of career I want to persue and I’m very lucky to have had the opportunity to do so here.
As well as that work the youth centre also organised parties and other small events outside of the youth centre which I played a role in as well.

All of the project met and far and aay exceeded my expectaions. I really could not be happier with the project I chose and I consider myself extremely lucky to have been a part of it and to have participated as I did. I built up good relationships with many people in the organisation, affiliated and with the local community and I am grateful for that.

Fiachra, Ireland, 04/06/2014

During these 10 months I have been actively involved, working with social media and the website, streamlining activities,giving Spanishlessons, writing articles and coordinating our social magazineLINK,making EVS movie,making-editing and coordinating  E-book,blogs given that was what constituted my project. At the same time the managers of the organization left space for me to develop multiple activities to support the center and the community. I have been developing workshops for children, organizing parties for the youth center, networking in collaboration with other organizations in the city and participating in different events as well as contacting and providing the opportunity to bring a circus-theater company.  As well as doing all the production to facilitate the performance, the company in return organized workshops in different associations and organizations. KANE also gave me the opportunity to participate as helping a facilitator in a seminar organized by them. I was also responsible for the graphic reports (photographs of all the events and activities) and creating the promotional posters.

The overall evaluation was very positive, my expectations were more than fulfilled. It has been a great personal learning many aspects an turn a professional and personal growth.

Working with the social media and the website I improve a lot my skills and learn a lot in my on, also making the promotional posters, also learn my on language during the time forthe preparation for the lessons. At the same time, it was great to work as a coordinator one day during the week in the Youth Centre, the part of coordinator some activity’s our also the Link some times was difficult to coordinate with all the volunteers, and the same little  problems with the E-book but at the same time I managed to resolve them. During the process to help to be possible the performance for the circus company I found full of difficulty’s, but with the help of the local volunteers and also the support of the organisation we make it possible and was a great satisfaction to make it possible. At the same time at the beginning making the different workshops with children was difficult with out having the same language but I found different ways of communication and was very successful. Was really great to saw my self how to resolve with different skills the different problems that appear, and also to learn to manage the frustration. It was very nice to be working in this organitation, because they support all your initiatives. It was really satisfaction to saw how you can develop the initiatives.    

Amaia, Spain, 18/06/2014

Evs helped me to achieve my expectations, like I want to help the other people and to see another culture and to know more about Europe and to improve my English and to learn another language. I think my evs was very good and successful experience and I am 100 % satisfied from the tasks I had.

This was a beginning actually,  it is like a new window in my life. Greece changed my life for sure. I gained a new life ,before Greece I wasn’t decide many things about my life, I was shy, many things were hard for me. But now I am so happy. I have many things to do now. Before Greece I was afraid of to do general things. Now I have got the power. I had a real responsibility. I have never had a serious job like that. My first two weeks was free at Kalamata, after that I started to teaching Turkish. I was really enjoy to this job. I was care about it. Teaching things to people was Making me happy. We were like family together, we reached to a level, they can not speak perfectly of course we were need time to doing it but anyway I am really happy they were trying to talk with me, cooking for me, and they promised me that they will come to turkey they will be my guests. My program was always the the same the same in the last days. We met with our coordinator and we started to work in our 30th week. My project was about a farm. My organisation was really common organization in Kalamata, and this was my first experience.

Here is the video that I created for the ending of our EVS period: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEBowoQJtqQ

Abdurrahman, Turkey, 31/07/2014

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